Why is it necessary that he make so much noise? Why must he always be front and center? Is it necessary that he act out his feelings? It is to get attention and recognition.
Noise captivates attention. Acting out indicates pain. It may be necessary because no one is listening. Having ears that hear requires me to get the focus off myself, interrupt my train of thought, and open myself to the noise maker.
There is a world around us crying “HELP!” It costs us to pay attention. It requires us to hear and see the distress. This is a price we may not be willing to pay. Self centeredness drowns out the plea for help. “I need to take care of me first.”
God knows our plight. He has heard our pleas for help. Sin has caused the pain. His love and mercy extends out to us to heal the broken and satisfy the hunger, -- the need to be recognized and heard.
God worked it out. He didn’t cause the problem He gives the solution. He knows what I need. He hears my cry of “Help” I didn’t have to clamor. A prayer may be quite quiet.
Jesus Christ, God’s Son has arranged the process. The Holy Spirit works it out for us. At our invitation the Holy Spirit recognizes our need and cancels our need to do silly things to get attention.
Jesus Christ gives us all the attention we need for ever. He gives us value and eternal recognition. He knows my name. He hears my noise.
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