Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Keep Looking Up

When Jesus' ministry on this earth was finished, He was assumed into Heaven.  That was His home.  He had been there before.  He was going back.  Those who had been with Him on the Earth stood on Mount Olivet and "were gazing into the heavens as He went."  That is a good place to be, i.e., gazing into heaven -- "looking up".
     Gazing animals find their security in looking down.  Their sustenance is downward looking.  Human beings find their sustenance in "looking up."  We instinctively know that what is basic is looking up.
     When we are depressed, someone says, "Keep looking up".  When you look up, you are looking over and beyond the pain and distress of the world.  When you look up, you are looking to the Source of all that is good, loving, and kind:  you are breaking loose from that which holds you back and often defeats you.
     "Looking up" is always good advice.  It is what Jesus told us to do.  Look up, scan, be alert.  He is coming again.  He will come from Heaven "in the same way as you saw Him go into Heaven".  Jesus has promised He will return.  When He comes, evil, pain, sorrow, and hurt will be over.  All things will be righted.
     When you are down--look up.  That direction is the hope of all mankind.

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