As you revulsed from by empty, meaningless talk? There is so much blowing of smoke, “sound and fury signifying nothing;” words, words, words. The preacher wrote on the edge of his sermon notes, “Weak point, shout loud.” The slick talker; the lair, the one who speaks easily and seldom follows through.. The one who promises and never keeps his word. The world is fraudulent as we seek our own adulation.
In the beginning was the word. He is truth. God can be counted on. When truth is spoken God is present. The Bible is the written Word.
In a world where talk is fragile and cheap there is so much noise and babble we stop paying attention. It is a relief to have something or someone you can trust, count on.
If you are one of the few who have parents whose words you can trust, you are highly blessed – be grateful.
So many have no one they can rely on to tell them truth. Perceptions are so distorted by false talk and misleading instruction. It is difficult to know what is right.
To cut through all the haze, come to Jesus Christ – The Truth – and define your outlook on life to get a straight perspective. We need the straight story.
Consult the Scripture. Check with someone who lives the redeemed life. Find the Center. Disregard the distorted noise and babble. Cut through the meaningless. Find the TRUTH – He will set you free.